Boy was I Wrong
Ya know, I've never been a big Woody Allen fan, so I avoided this movie all these years - my bad! This is one of those nostalgic, coming-of-age movies that I love, and has to be right toward the top of my list! Mia Farrow and Diane Wiest were great, and so many scenes made me think of my childhood - I think I was just as goofy as Seth Green's character, Joe. I think we all had family-members who mirrored these characters...Aunt Bea (not to be confused with The Andy Griffith Show's Aunt Bea, although they were both Aunts, and both single) reminds me so much of one of my own Aunts!
Living-Room Furniture
Vincent Canby of The New York Times had a great review, written on January 30, 1987. I particularly liked this part: "The table-top radio added a certain tone to any suite of living-room furniture, though certainly not as much as the majestic console, the big, heavy floor-model that was a prized piece of furniture in its own right."

I'm not old enough to remember the earliest days of radio, but I do remember when radio was still a central part of our house in Elmira, NY! Great memories - as a matter-of-fact, I still have the old console radio/turntable/8-track player that I grew up with!
Rocco: This is a coincidence. I meet nobody from the old neighborhood in years. I finally do, and I gotta kill her.
RATED: Awesome!!!
WATCH IT AGAIN: Absolutely!
DO I WANNA OWN IT?: If it's suddenly inaccessible for free, absolutely - it's a must have.