I Confess is one of those movies that just gets in your bones. There's something about knowing the awful truth but not being at liberty to say anything! And of course Hitchcock gave it the full treatment. I realize it's completely different than Meryl Streep's "Doubt" but somehow, they just remind me of one another.
I think this may have been the first film I saw Montgomery Clift in, and I never forgot it. Great performance! Good reviews can be found at The Hitchcock Report and Derek Winnert.
For Christmas I got a new digital camera, and I couldn't help but take a screen shot. Such a typical Hitchcock vignette!
FAVORITE QUOTE: I never thought of the priesthood as offering a hiding place. --Father Logan
RATING: Excellent
WATCH IT AGAIN? Most assuredly
DO I WANNA OWN IT? Already do!