FAVORITE QUOTE: Colonel William G. Smollett: Good morning. Mrs. Hilton, I presume?
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Yes.
Colonel William G. Smollett: May I be permitted to observe that this is the first house I've found in this godforsaken community that doesn't smell of cabbage.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Well, it does sometimes.
Colonel William G. Smollett: I was given to understand at the office of the Purchasing Division, to which I have the misfortune to be attached, that you had a room for rent.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Yes, but I specified an officer. You see, my husband -
Colonel William G. Smollett: My name is Smollett, William G., Colonel, United States Army, retired. Retired, I might add, by virtue of certain fatuous opinions held in the War Department which judge a man's usefulness neither by his experience nor his ability, but by the number of years since he was weaned.
Bridget 'Brig' Hilton: [dog growls and barks] Soda. Soda!
Colonel William G. Smollett: There was nothing in the information I was furnished, madam, which indicated that you had children and domestic pets.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Well, I'm sorry, but they go with the house.
Colonel William G. Smollett: We won't discuss it. With your permission, madam, may we dispense with further conversation? I should like to inspect the room.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Certainly. Just follow me. I do hope you'll forgive me if I've been long-winded.
Colonel William G. Smollett: Not at all, madam. Through a full, and somewhat protracted existence, I have learned to accept the natural tendency of all women to be garrulous.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: You're very tolerant, Colonel.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Yes.
Colonel William G. Smollett: May I be permitted to observe that this is the first house I've found in this godforsaken community that doesn't smell of cabbage.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Well, it does sometimes.
Colonel William G. Smollett: I was given to understand at the office of the Purchasing Division, to which I have the misfortune to be attached, that you had a room for rent.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Yes, but I specified an officer. You see, my husband -
Colonel William G. Smollett: My name is Smollett, William G., Colonel, United States Army, retired. Retired, I might add, by virtue of certain fatuous opinions held in the War Department which judge a man's usefulness neither by his experience nor his ability, but by the number of years since he was weaned.
Bridget 'Brig' Hilton: [dog growls and barks] Soda. Soda!
Colonel William G. Smollett: There was nothing in the information I was furnished, madam, which indicated that you had children and domestic pets.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Well, I'm sorry, but they go with the house.
Colonel William G. Smollett: We won't discuss it. With your permission, madam, may we dispense with further conversation? I should like to inspect the room.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: Certainly. Just follow me. I do hope you'll forgive me if I've been long-winded.
Colonel William G. Smollett: Not at all, madam. Through a full, and somewhat protracted existence, I have learned to accept the natural tendency of all women to be garrulous.
Mrs. Anne Hilton: You're very tolerant, Colonel.
RATED: I love this movie!