Jennifer (1953)

As a big fan of Ida Lupino, I really enjoyed this movie!  From Wikipedia:  Down on her luck, Agnes Langley is hired by Lorna Gale (Mary Shipp) to replace the "missing" Jennifer as caretaker for the Gale family's currently unoccupied Southern California estate. Agnes is immediately affected by the mysterious house and, after she finds a diary apparently belonging to Jennifer, becomes obsessed with determining the cause of the woman's "disappearance".

REVIEWS: Mark, over at the Where Danger Lives blog did an excellent review of this movie.  I don't really agree with him that Joan Fontaine would have made a better Jennifer than Ida Lupino - but that may be my prejudice as a Lupino fan!

RATED: Very Enjoyable
WATCH IT AGAIN: Definitely!

DO I WANT TO OWN IT?:  Nah, it's on YouTube:

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